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BridgePrep Family Event- Miami Dolphins Game
BridgePrep Academy has been invited to the Miami Dolphins vs. Jacksonville Jaguars football game. The game is on December 23rd at 1pm. For discounted tickets, please visit https://fevo.com/edp/Jaguars-vs-Dolphins--BridgePrep-Academy-8KFC1q5. Can't wait to see you at the game! |
Box Top Deadline Approaching
Dear Parents, please submit all the Box Tops you currently have by next Thursday, Oct. 25. If you haven’t completed the collection sheet it’s ok. We need to collect as many as possible to send them in by November 1. You may continue collecting for our next deadline. Please make sure that they are not expired before submitting. Thank you for all your support and happy collecting |
Trunk or Treat Prices
To all the teachers in the world, today we celebrate you! Happy World Teachers Day! #HappyWorldTeachersDay #BridgePrepTeachers #BridgePrepAcademySchools #BridgePrepAcademyInterAmerican #WeAreBridgePrep |
October Newsletter
Please click on the link to view the October Newsletter from Mr. Gonzalez. Thank you! |
October Calendar
This is our October calendar. Please click the link to view and take note of all the upcoming activities and events. |
Open House Schedule
Parents, to accommodate parents with children in different grades we will be running our open house on 09/26/18 in two shifts. Kindergarten to 1st grade will be from 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm and 2nd grade to 5th grade will be from 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm. Please plan accordingly. |
September Newsletter
Please click on the link to read the monthly newsletter from Mr. Gonzalez. Favor hacer click en el link para leer la hoja informativa de parte de el Sr. Gonzalez. |
September Calendar
***Updated!!! Click on the link to view our school's calendar for this month. |
August Calendar
Welcome back!! Please make note of important dates this month. |
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