April Newsletter/ Hoja informativa de abril
Please click on the link to view the April Newsletter from Mr. Gonzalez.
Dear Parents:
Welcome Back! I hope your spring break was restful and relaxing. Spending quality time and sharing memorable moments with loved ones are extremely important to us all. Before leaving for spring break I spoke to all our students and expressed the importance of maintaining good study routines and habits during their break. As we all know, on April 3rd-5th we jump right into our FSA assessments with 3rd through 5th graders. Please discuss with your children the importance of these assessments and to always try their very best. On April 9th and 10th our K-2nd will taking their respective SAT-10 assessments I am truly confident that our hard working and dedicated teachers have prepared your children to excel in all their assessments. Please support and assist us by assuring that your children are in bed by a reasonable hour, eat a hearty breakfast (unless eaten at school), and arrive to school on time, prepared, and focused every day. This will help us all tremendously during this high pressure and stressful time.
Assessments are important, but not everything. We will continue with our monthly fundraising events such as popcorn and pizza sales on Mondays and Tuesdays respectively. We will begin our Spring Candy Gram sale on April 5th through April 18th, which will also be our Easter Egg Hunt. April is not only my birth month but also my favorite part of the year-baseball season begins! To celebrate baseball, we encourage our students to wear their favorite baseball jerseys, colors, numbers, and hats on April 5th.
Smoothie King will be on campus on April 11th and our K-1st graders will start swimming lessons via the Kyan’s Kause foundation on April 15th. On the 15th of April at 5:00 pm we will also host Family Night for those parents and students that are going to Magic Kingdom on April 18th for the end of the year trip. On April 17th our 3rd-5th graders will be working on our school’s garden as we begin Garden Days here at BPA IA. On the 24th I am very excited to announce that we will have our Spelling Bee for grades 1st to 5th coordinated by Ms. Andreu. On the 26th we will have our Spring Dance and I will also host Cafecito with Mr. G at 8:35 am. Lastly, please note that Gala tickets are still on sale in the Main Office. This year’s Gala theme is Under the SEA and our students have been working hard and rehearsing to put on a great show. It is going to be a fabulous event. School yearbooks are also on sale in the Main Office for $ 25.00. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have a yearbook with your child’s memories while at BPA IA. As always, we couldn’t do what we do without all your support and cooperation.
I look forward to seeing all of you around campus. Thank you for your continued support.
Guillermo M. Gonzalez
School Principal